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Re: Introduction & Headrush Question

> K. Douglas Baldwin wrote:
>     It's interesting that using the Headrush , or any real-time 
> looping device really hones our rhythmic skills and alerts us to our
> rhythmic inadequecies. The trick is to get your rhythm happening in 
> and percieve the seam of the loop as the first beat of the repetition. 
> example, if I were to create a two-measure loop, I would begin counting 
> myself "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4," etc. Then when I felt ready, I'd go 
> (starting the loop), 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, STOMP (ending/looping the 
> If my timing is good, the rhythm will be seamless. If I pause the tiniest
> bit, there will be a pause in the loop. More commonly, it is human 
>nature to
> speed up while playing (even over two measures) so that the beginning of 
> loop will be slower than the end, creating a herky-jerky jolt at the loop
> seam. Hang with your metronome, relax, and focus on your breathing, and 
> will honor the groove, and know where the One is.
> Douglas Baldwin, Alpha male Coyote, the Trickster
> dbaldwin@suffolk.lib.ny.us

See also DJRND2 singer version (automatic built in metronome + longer
mono loops (up to 32 bars)

But only possible for free-hand users
