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Re: Loop length query

While this is a great deal different than live play, I've found a great 
of satisfaction in making layers of loops, in order to extend the length of
the piece.  Recording a loop, then recording play along with the loop, then
playing along with THAT result; eventually I've got something that I'd be
happy with as a base for an entire piece, that has enough variety to get
away with being that long.  Then I put more on top of it, as the case may
be.  It's sort of like a 2-d pyramid chart, with all bricks being the same
size, but their placement presenting a larger pattern to the listener.

Stephen Goodman * It's the Loop of the Week!
EarthLight Productions * http://www.earthlight.net

> David Coffin wrote:
> > Topic suggestion:
> > How many of you folks routinely use loops longer than, say 10
> > sec....