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Re: Save the Echo Plex and a Joycean digression

>I'm sure that similar
>doubts are being harbored by Opcode, after all as much as we love our
>loopers, they are a niche product in many ways.

they did not have any doubts, but after reading this... :-)
I do not quite think so, because it serves not only for specific music and
stage, but for practicing, teaching, composing, voice arrangements, quick
demos - a general tool for ALL instruments, so the market is even bigger
even than the one for guitar pedals or keyboard expanders for example.

>save the Echo Plex.

Thank you!

*    Lots of music (samples), inventions (drawings), philosophy:
*         ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org
*    Archive and mailinglist about looping:
*         ---> http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html