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Submissions - (nonlooping content)

I now have unlimited space at my Xoom site as a trade off for the
Xoombar in a frame thing they put up so I started a Spaced Oddities
section. Anyone who would like to contribute contact me privately and
we'll work it out. I take alot of hits at my site due to links from
Elephant Tape, and Elepant Talk, (# 2 and 5 on the E- Tape jukebox at
both), and I am linked to Rob Murphrees Official Adrian Belews Web Site/
So I offer this as a free service to anyone that maybe doesn't have
access to or is new to the web and wants to get their music out. I will
make a tape or cd into Real Audio for free so come on ahead!

Jeff (the Sound Mangler, thanks Grendal) Duke