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[epigram] Technical Tricks?!

>So fucking what, if there is one wrong note?
>Does word 'music' mean nothing else but "some technical tricks > 
>accomplished by musical instruments"?

  I agree with you but not in every case. I'll explain this by sth that 
happened to me before a month. I bought this Marillion tribute disk and 
*some* of the songs covered there are IMO not that technical (especially 
vocals) as they are in the original versions. The thing is, I felt like 
when I was listening to these songs. I returned to my marillion disks in a 
minute to recover! : )
  So, what I'm trying to say is that in some cases a song *has* to be 
technical to be ok but I really agree with you, it's not the most 
When a musician wants to 'reveal' himself/herself it doesn't matter if the 
song will be technical or not. Just my opinion.

- michael

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