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eGroups.com: You have been added to the epigram eGroup.

This is the eGroups.com service.

You have been added to the epigram@egroups.com group.

Here is a welcome message provided by qrfw@hotmail.com:


Hi, this is from epigram's *discussion* mailing list that  will let you 
discuss everything referring to Progressive Metal and bands as Fates 
Warning, Dream Theater and Psychotic Waltz. This list is NOT moderated and 
it's open to every thread or idea.
Nobody is forced there to talk in a "proper" way.  

michael m.

Mini-FAQ of mailing list: http://fly.to/epigram

Epigram for the Last Straw:
URL: http://homex.s-one.net.sg/member/progmetal
  or http://listen.to/progmetal


You can post messages to its members via e-mail at:


You can also read and post group messages on the Web:

If you do not want to be a member of this e-group, you can instantly
remove yourself from the group by simply replying to this message. Use
the "Reply" function of your e-mail program and send us back a blank

Please direct any comments or questions about the group to the group
moderator at:


If you have other questions, visit:



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