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Re: PC vs. Mac for recording

Dear James,

        Unless Mark of the Unicorn has drastically changed their views on 
computers, you'll only be able to use a Mac with their 
Also, what type of box do you have, as that will make a majour difference 
to what cards you can use/purchase, along with what OS and version you are 
running on your Mac.  Also, I believe that MOTU has their own interface 
(PCI) for their equipment.  
        The last time I dealt with MOTU and a Mac was back about 3 to 4 
ago, and it was on a tricked out PPC8100/120 with way too much RAM and 
HDD's, and all it did was HDD recording/editing for audio.  I was very 
impressed with the setup, but I spent more time fighting with the OS and 
box, than getting time to play with the editing/control 
It was hardly plug and play, but then again, it really shouldn't be at 
level, to be honest...

        If you decide to go to the WIntel or UNIX side, let me know, as in 
these two, I have a bit more experience and knowledge.  Recommend NT4.0WS 
SvcPk3 or '98 on the WIntel side.  Go with one of the IRIX variants for 
audio on the UNIX side.  If you're into MOD file generation, then SuSE, 
Caldera, or even Red Hat Linux is the better choice.

        Hope this helps.
