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Re: Music suggestions?

Hey now, Jefe

>       Since I'm in a searching mode, I thought I'd ask for suggestions 
>on music

1) James Blood Ulmer "Music speaks louder than words" on Koch Jazz
3-7833-2-H1 (1997). Six of the compositions are by Ornette Coleman (Ulmer's
former gig) and three are originals penned by Blood. I'm quite fond of all
of his recorded work, but this one is in the heaviest recent rotation.
Ulmer is a dangerous guitarist alright. One of his tricks, one that I rip
off shamelessly, is to tune 5 strings standard and one string randomly.
Ulmer calls this "giving a string to the guitar" and it forces you to be
more copncious of the instrument instead of merely wanking. He also employs
sopme lovely but harrowing dissonance by playing drones using the "guitar's
string" while playing a harmolodic figure on the other strings. Cool!

2) Derek Bailey and Henry Kaiser "Wire forks". I lent this to a jazzer in
Vancouver BC and never saw it again (though I did manage to get back Oliver
Lake..). If you are remotely familiar with Bailey's work, this will be no
suprise. If your are familiar with Kaiser's work, you will be suprised
(unless you've come to the conclusion that he'll play almost ANYTHING, in
which case it will be biz as usual). This whole CD sounds like prepared
guitar, but I don't believe it is (someone correct me if I'm wrong). I
thuink it sounds alot like electricity, and the coloured lihgts you get
when pressing on your eyelids. Man. And, yes, pretty disturbing stuff. Used
to give me the willies.

That should give you plenty to chew on!

Hasta and hoho -> Dr Rico