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RE: this looper's delight


The URL for Audiomulch:  http://www.webpage.com.au/audiomulch/noframes.htm

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gareth Whittock [mailto:whiteoak@dial.pipex.com]
> Sent: Saturday 12 December 1998 8:56 AM
> To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
> Subject: Re: this looper's delight
> Hello chaps,
> 'Been messing with a brilliant program for the PC - Audiomulch.
> It's what I've ben looking for for a loooong time.
> Basically its a series of signal processing "contraptions", 
> ring mod, stereo delay up to 2seconds per side, phaser, 
> flanger, mixers spatialiser, (doppler shifter) and - wait for it 
> So you set up the real time input icon and attatch it to say 
> a stereo delay, (of course) but then you set up another 
> stereo delay, and another........
> you can feed the signal back into itself via a virtual 
> mixer, perhaps also via a parametric eq or a reverb contraption 
> so each successive delay is more reverberated than the last.
> and yes you could arrange it so that you can set up a loop 
> by opening the input to one of an array of delays,set up a loop
> close its input thus leaving it running and then open another 
> leaving you with the option to fade the original. If you have 
> enough processing power you could have quite a few going.
> I have a Pentium 1 200mhz and can set up 2 * 8 sec independant 
> delays (mono) with the ability to fade each in or out. I've taken 
> audiomulch to work, (purely in the interests of research you understand)
>  and it runs about 4 times as fast on that p2 333mhz. Thats 8 * 8second
> mono delays all at once. I can't stop using this thing:))
> The latency is about 160 millisecs on my system which I can certainly
> live with but obviously even less on a P2
> It's a beta version at the moment but it's surprisingly stable for that.
> I KNOW some of you guys are going to LOVE this thing.
> Naturally I've asked for longer delays and the author seems amenable
> check it out
> www.audiomulch.com
> No I'm not working for the guy I'm just SOOOO impressed!
> Gareth
> > Which -- if any -- of these boxes will let you play multiple loops
> > simultaneously?  I don't mean layering on one loop and then clicking
> > to a parallel, but unrelated loop for another section.  I mean having
> > loops 1 - 2 - 3 - 4... running simultaneously in parallel, and being
> > able to turn off #2 for a couple passes, then bring it back in and
> > turn off #4, etc.  You know, like an 8-track mixer with track mute
> > buttons, or like a sampler where you can trigger multiple samples
> > while others are playing.
> >> 
> > > ...  I don't mean layering on one loop and then clicking to a 
> parallel, but
> > > unrelated loop for another section.  I mean having loops 1 - 
> 2 - 3 - 4...
> > > running simultaneously in parallel, and being able to turn 
> off #2 for a couple
> > > passes, then bring it back in and  turn off #4, etc.  You 
> know, like an