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Re: The Undo question

At 2:27 PM -0800 11/25/98, Thomas Rupolo wrote:
>My question concrens what might appear to be the limited functionality
>of the Undo function.  My Echoplex is currently maxed out at 198 sec.
>Many times I've overdubbed something onto loop 1, and then listened to
>it once and instantly realized I made a horrible mistake.  When I press
>Undo it does not erase the last overdubbeed layer.
>The manual refers to the fact that memory may not be available.  Does
>that refer to the total length of the memory available or just the time
>remaining in the individual loop?  Do I need to press Undo instantly?
>Do I need to change any settings?  Or is this just a "known problem."
>Whenever possible, I of course copy to the next loop before overdubbing
>to prevent mangling my loops, but if I could just undo it would save me
>a few steps to be sure.  Also when I have 9 loops filled That option is
>not available.

ok, a few things to consider for you here:

For Undo, it's the memory available for that particular loop that matters,
not the whole memory. I gather you regularly have it set for 9 loops? So
you really only have 22 seconds available for each loop, which is
definitely limited for Undo. There just won't be much room to save previous
versions of your loops. If your loop is more than about 7  seconds, you
won't be able to undo at all. For Undo to be possible, the plex needs
memory to save your current version, the previous version, plus "working
room" for creating new versions. Memory limits seems the most likely thing
you are experiencing. You might want to try setting MoreLoops to 1 for a
bit just to play around with Undo some and get the full experience of it
without encountering any memory limits. Then you should have no trouble
removing numerous Overdubs. That would be a good way to practice with it to
get a really good feel for using it well, which should help when using it
with tighter memory.

Also, make sure you know the difference between a long-press of Undo and a
short-press. Long-press will remove everything overdubbed during an entire
pass of the loop, whereas short-press removes overdubs after the point
where you tap Undo. (useful when you want to keep the first part of the
overdub, but want to take out the end.) If you do a short-press towards the
end of the loop, it would only remove a small bit which you might not even
notice. If you had really intended to do the long-press type of undo, this
could seem like nothing happened.

Further, learn to be conscious of when you are actually overdubbing. The
echoplex will not use up memory if there is no input happening. But as soon
as there is, it considers that entire pass a new change and saves that
entire pass in a new bit of memory, available for undo. If you are not
paying attention, it is easy to use a lot more memory than you think.

For example, if you happen to start your overdub just before the startpoint
of the loop, continue overdubbing over a whole pass of the loop, and stop
overdubbing just after the end of the loop, you will actually have used
three new sections of memory instead of just one! When you press Undo the
first time, you will remove that last little bit hanging over the end of
the loop, which you may hardly even notice! You have to press Undo a second
time to take away the main overdub. And if memory is limited, that little
bit may be the only thing you are able to Undo, and all the meat of the
overdub will be permanently mixed in. So try to be conscious of that, and
not overdub more than necessary, or make sure you have enough memory
available to accomodate 2 or more undo layers.

Review the section of the manual on Undo again, too. I find it very helpful
to understand what the echoplex is doing with memory when you are
overdubbing and undoing. You know what the limits are and what's possible
and what's not at any given point. The manual has a reasonable explanation
of how it works, with some pictures.

hope this helps,


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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