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Re: Dual EDP config.

Jim Carter wrote:
> It was interesting that so many of you use two echoplexes
> (echoplicis - can we get an official verdict on this) to
> perform asyncronous loopage.
> What I would like to know now is how you achieve this - hardwarewise.
> Do you just run of two AUX sends on a mixer ?
> Do you use two separate foot controllers?
> Is there an easy way to sync/desync two pair for stereo/asynchronous
> loops?
> At the danger of becoming gearheaded, I would be interested in seeing
> schematics of looper rigs, especially live setups.

I built my own footswitches.  I usually use 3 of them in a live 
performance.  All 
the footswitches are identical.  Each footswitch functions independently 
of the others 
and each can control either EDP.  They look alot like the standard EDP 
with these exceptions:
1) The button labels are larger and are above the buttons rather than 
below.  The theory is 
that I can see them easier and my foot doesn't cover up the label of the 
button that I'm 
preparing to press.  2) The record button is bigger than the others; i.e., 
it protrudes above 
the panel surface about 4 times higher that the other switches.  I find I 
make less mistakes 
this way.  The other buttons are EXACTLY the same kind as the standard EDP 
buttons.  3) I added a "Shadow" (sp?) push-on, push-off button in the 
upper-righthand corner 
and extra 1/4" phone jacks to the back panel.  Each footswitch can control 
two EDPs (call 
them EDP "A" and EDP "B").  The Shadow switch selects which EDP is 
controlled.  BTW, I chose 
Shadow switches because they have a nifty, highly visible neon-colored 
indicator that shows 
which position they're in WITHOUT NEEDING POWER.  Hence, my footswitches 
are still totally 
passive.  Shadow switches aren't intended to be foot-operated, however, so 
you shouldn't jump 
up and down on them.  4) Each footswitch has four phone jacks.  Two are 
labeled "A", are 
wired in parallel, and connect to the "A" EDP.  The other two are likewise 
in parallel, are 
labeled "B", and connect to the "B" EDP.  I use the duplicate jack to 
daisy-chain the pedals 
together.  Incidentally, in retrospect I would also install two 1/4" 
stereo phone jacks so I 
could use stereo phone cords and reduce the number of cables required.

Partial schematic:

            +---->|in  EDP A  out|>----------------------+
            |     +--------------+                       |
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
            |     +--------------+                       |
            +---->|in  EDP B  out|>------------------+   |
            |     +--------------+                   |   |
            |                                        |   |
            |                                        |   |
            |                                        |   |
            |      +------------------------+        |   |
            +-----<|aux 1 out               |        |   |
                   |                        |        |   |
                   |                        |        |   |
                   |               chan 1 in|<----------------- microphone 
                   |                        |        |   |
                   | TASCAM        chan 2 in|<----------------- microphone 
                   | 1024                   |        |   |
                   | Mixer         chan 3 in|<----------------- microphone 
                   |                 . . .  |        |   |
                   |                 (etc.) |        |   |
                   |                 . . .  |        |   |
                   |              chan 11 in|<-----------+
                   |                        |        |   
                   |              chan 13 in|<-------+

- Dennis Leas