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Barefeet and that Vooduu...

     This barefootin' thing gives me the willies... I played with a 
     for years who was a barefoot free spirit kind of guy and I was always 
     at least a little concerned... 
     I'm more of the Alan-Hoover-yer-skatin'-on-thin-ice attitude about 
     There's serious voltage in the room and you should protect yourself!
     That thing we do is very hard to quantify isn't it?.. It was 
     that looping is the tool, not the style, and I agree with that... 
     While I might stumble frequently into ambient territory, I'm just as 
     likely to sound like osterized-hell-in-a-vice and solo loudly and  
     relentlessly, searching for my most obnoxious tones... 
     I have no idea what to call the style because it's so ephemeral. It 
     would almost be a relief to *choose* a more defined genre and adhere 
     to it somewhat, but I'm not quite doing that *yet*.
     It's still a concern of mine that an audience wants to see creation / 
     inception of some sort and will begin to suspect subterfuge if they 
     hear *far* more than they can account for with their own senses. That 
     can happen very quickly with looping, so I'm looking for that happy 
     mean which can still communicate without disorienting or alienating 
     those present. (I'm talking about those who would already be 
     *stylistically* interested in the first place.) 
     As looping grows as a specific genre maybe more listeners will relate 
     to the actual practice, making it easier for us to describe how we 
     *create* the form which the music rests upon.
     So what is it that I do?..
     Any suggestions as to a more venue/audience friendly description?
     Best Regards,
     Miko Biffle                              "And I am running scared...
     mike.biffle@wj.com                "From all the usual distractions!"