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Upcoming Dark Aether Project Concerts

The Dark Aether Project is:

Adam Levin:    Warr 8 String Touch Guitar/Loops
Yaman Aksu:    Fretted and Fretless Guitars/Guitar Synth
Brian Griffin: Drums

...and assorted special guests

"...jazz-inflected, often minimalistic...foreboding soundscape[s]...
classy...offers mature musicianship without pretentiousness." 
- John Collinge, Progression Magazine

"...intense and blistering lead work...amazing loops and shimmering
textures that are at once haunting and dreamlike...worthy of attention."
- Peter Thelen, Expose

11/7  - TapTech II Seminar/Concert
        Orion Studios - 2903 Whittington Ave. Baltimore, MD (410)646-7334
        with Frank Jolliffe, Three Hour Detour, William Bajzek, Squash,
        and more. See http://www.darkaether.net/tt2.html
        for more details on the concert and weekend seminar.

11/14 - World Arts Focus/Joe's Movement Emporium 
        3802 34th Street Washington DC (Mt Rainier) (301)699-1819
        with Fingerpaint (featuring Patrick Smith & Steev Geest)

12/5  - Phantasmagoria - 11319 Elkin St. Wheaton MD (301)949-8886
        with Discipline

After these gigs we'll finish writing the remainder of the new album and
get down to recording it in January.

As always, you can visit The Dark Aether Project Web Site at
http://www.darkaether.net/ for directions to the venues, news updates,
soundbites from the debut CD and more.


       "...if one strives at hearing for the sake of constant virtue,
       out of seeking liberation from cyclic existence, gradually one 
                           becomes a Hearer."
                           - Chandrakirti

              T h e   D a r k   A e t h e r   P r o j e c t