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Re: Equiptment...Layla

At 10:42 AM 9/17/98, Matthew Pierce wrote:

>As far as their untimely announcements I only heard about this much later 
>so it
>didn't bother me as I wasn't waiting for one, but I must say that Event 
>has set
>a new industry precedent; get the hype going by announcing the product 
>and then
>don't release it right away...what is this a new marketing strategy? I 
>must say
>though, for all this b.s. they have a solid product.
The main reason for this kind of vaporware hype from day one has been to
keep the potential buyer tantakized and create desire. If the technology's
promise pushes the buyer's buttons, then s/he won't buy anything else
(read: competing product) until the "promise" is delivered.

There are usually legitimate delays as well, but marketers play mostly on
the buyer's weaknesses.

Think about it - for just about everyone on this mailing list, the imagined
"right" synth is desire incarnate.

Now, if I could only justify 6K for Scope.  :)
