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Re: Re: Totally Frustrated With My EDP !!!!!

I'd personally, given the chance, cramm it down Oberhiem's fucking throat !
Call your your Attorney General and put an end to this insanity.
Alot of these companies really don't give a shit about our frustrations, 
and 9
out of 10 times they're the ones who are causing it.
I think you've got a case for the "Lemon" law scenario.
I used the Attorney Gen back in the 70's when I had a piece of gear go down
and a "temporarily"  shut down manufacturer. They got me results. I 
believe it. This was in NY to boot.
Then again......................firmware ? You putting in funky chips ? 
it in the bathtub ? There are alot of variables once you pop the top.......
Best of luck