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Re: PUFFyisms

>> >The only point that matters to me is this:  did the Police get payed 
>> >he used their song? If they did than GO PUFFY GO PUFFY GO PUFFY.  :-)
>You know, I took my medication, thinking it would stop me from harping on 
>but I can't stop myself.  I believe this is the case; please correct me 
>if I am
>wrong (because I would like to be)
>Andy Summers wrote the guitar part sampled by my archenemy, who shall be
>hereforward referred to as PD.
>Sting, whose vocal melody was also ripped off, licensed AS's guitar part, 
>got the money for it.
>Rumor has it, Mr. Summers is feeling a bit raped.

Any idea whose fault this is?

Yours , Thomas