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At 11:27 PM -0700 8/26/98, Stephen P. Goodman wrote:
>Sounds like a bunch of folks wrapping themselves in the term Fair Use, as
>if, once someone else creates an original work, anyone has the right to 
>it as they see fit, as if all defaults to the public domain, as a result 

well Stephen, you still don't seem to understand what Fair Use is. But you
are absolutely right, I am completely wrapping myself in the principle of
Fair Use, which is a well established legal concept in use all over the
world. So, I challenge you to unwrap me!

Except this time, try using things like evidence, references, actual legal
theories, credible, substantiated arguments, the actual law as written,
consistent logic, etc. You know - actually research what you are saying
before you say it. So far, all I've gotten from you boils down to "I don't
like it, so it's bad."  But there's not been any substance underlying your
opinion. I'd love to hear a well-reasoned, non-emotional argument based in
actual law and legal theory for why Negativland's (and my) interpretation
of the copyright laws is incorrect, and proving your point that sampling is
theft. Up to it?

And sorry if this is boring the crap out of the rest of you. Drives me nuts
when people state their opinions as facts and then try to use them as
arguments....Plus debating this is like arguing with myself circa 1985, so
it's sort of fun.


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com