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*The RIAA Is Cracking Down Even More by Rock N Roll Confidential
*Events And Announcements
*Feedback on KRS-One vs Canibus

I received this article the other day from Lee Ballinger and the good folks
over at Rock N Roll Confidential.. I thought it was something we should
know about especially since I had let y'all know about the recent clamp
downs on mixtapes and other forms of 'illegally recorded' music.. The RIAA
really is on a mission.. This new tactic is kinda scary because it's really
gonna hurt the underground hip hop artists who have been doing their thing
without clearing samples..

 One of the things currently stiffling hip hop's creativity is the fact
that a producer can no longer sample 4 or 5 songs and come up with a unique
sound for us to groove to... Publishing companies which usually own the
rights to a lot these songs have been aggressively going after producers
who sample and don't get things cleared.. At the same time these publishing
companies demand tremendous amounts of money and royalty points to songs
containing samples from their music catalogue. Hence anartist can sample 2
or 3 songs and will actually owe all the publishing houses 200%  plus some
upfront money for the song.. It's no wonder so many artists have resorted
to just sampling one familiar loop.. It's gotten way too expensive to do

Sampling has gotten to be big business for the record industry where you
now have record companies like Tuff City in NY where they buy the rights to
all sorts of old school break beats and wait for some artist to sample it
and then they go after them and collect all sorts of money.. If artists
refuses to pay they can find their records being taken off shelves in a
court injunction.. Publishing houses have hired young record hounds who do
nothing but listen to new material and report back to their bosses songs
that have been sampled from their record catalogue.. These young kids
collect a bounty for each unauthorized sample they discover..

For a while independent artists on small regional labels could get away
with releasing songs with uncleared samples.. It was hard to police
them..So now the RIAA is going after the manufacturing plants and making
them liable.. This will result in tape and CD manufatururs putting pressure
on artists.. Read below and see what I'm talking about..

Davey D

The career of recording artists Negativland may be over.
Reprinted from Rock N Roll Confidential..

Negativland's CD plant has told the group that it will no longer
manufacture their CDs, and Negativland has so far been unable to find
another factory willing to do so. The reason, according to Mark Hosler of
Negativland, is the RIAA's recent guidelines to compact disk pressing
plants, which inform the
plants that they risk huge lawsuits if they manufacture CDs with even one
uncleared sample.

Negativland uses uncleared samples extensively, and consider this to be
Fair Use under the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act. Still, the group has had to
establish their own label because other labels consider Negativland music
too legally risky to distribute. With this new offensive by the RIAA, CD
factories feel
they cannot afford the risk either, which effectively silences Negativland.

Many bands besides Negativland--including Beck, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy,
Nine Inch Nails, etc.--routinely use uncleared samples, but only
Negativland, Illegal Art (which with RTMARK's help produced Deconstructing
Beck), and a few others do so openly, and as an essential part of their

According to Ray Thomas of RTMARK, whose Intellectual Property mutual fund
(http://rtmark.com/projectlist.html) is managed by Negativland, "The
industry saw how much bad publicity Geffen and BMG suffered for
trying--unsuccessfully--to clamp down on Deconstructing Beck. They realized
public opinion would not let them get away with such high-handed tactics,
so now they're cleverly targeting production, which has a much lower public
profile than distribution, but is even more important. The RIAA is putting
CD manufacturers in the position of policing what is and is not acceptable
art, and is thus very effectively practicing censorship."

The problem is a fundamental misunderstanding of copyright law, according
to Thomas. "The music industry says copyright law protects artists. But
copyright law as applied to samples serves only to protect corporate money.
As the recording industry forces this issue to a head, we hope that the
facts will finally become clear, and that the groundwork will be laid to
change copyright law so that it benefits artists and consumers, not
corporations and capital."

Negativland's full press release, including e-mail addresses of many RIAA
employees, as well as a response by Hilary Rosen, President and CEO of the
RIAA, can be found at http://www.negativland.com/riaa/index.html.

RTMARK was established in 1991 to further anti-corporate activism, in some
cases by channelling funds from donors to workers for sabotage of corporate
products. Recent and upcoming acts of RTMARK-aided subversion are
documented on RTMARK's web site, http://rtmark.com/.

Hope everyone starts becoming active..Big Brother is making moves on Hip 
Hit me back with your feedback at  kingdave@sirius.com


Thembisa MShaka who does the new column called Monthly Flow in Blaze
Magazine [ check pg 70] wanted me to lace everyone who lives in the NYC
Metropoltan area with this information..

 The United African Movement hosts forums with prominent Afrcan American
speakers each Wednesday in Harlem at the Dempsey Center, 127 W. 127th St,
between Adam Clayton Powell and Malcolm X Blvds. Cost: FREE! I said free,
zero, zip, nada-just your train fare.

 So for anyone living in or visiting NYC, keep this in mind. The
presentations happen at 8PM with doors opening at 7:30; this Wednesday
August 26 Br. Khalid Muhammad speaks on the Million Youth March and his
departure from the Nation of Islam. Upcoming speakers include Cornel West
for September. Recognize and attend! For more info, call Karen Mason at
Destiny Entertainment (718) 519-1615 or email her at destinyent@aol.com.


For folks living in the Bay Area.. Wednesday August 26th  at 12 noon there
will be a huge rally at UC Berkeley to protest this kid named Cash who
watched as his best friend abducted and later strangled a 7 year old girl
in the bathroom of a Nevada Casino.. Cash watched the incident and never
reported it or tried to intervene.. Nevada State law says he did nothing
wrong.. This kid has also been arrogant toward the public who are very
upset..wondering how he could get away with this unethical behavior..
Thousand s are expected to show up on the UC Campus because that is where
this kid is starting his freshman year.. They want everyone to know that
he's on the campus..

Also on the Bay Area tip.. be on the look out for Souls Of Mischief and
entire Heiro Crew.. They will be performing at Geoffrey's Inner Circle
[410-14th st in Oakland] on Sept 2.. It's the start of their 35 city
tour...Hope to see y'all there...

If y'all got any events hit me off and I'll include them.. 


Personally I think Canibus should tear into Chris' ass and put him in the
Hip Hop Home for the Elderly. I mean for Chris to come out the blue like
that and just throw a challenge out and Canibus not respond will
show a lack of heart on Canibus' part. That's like some mothafucka coming
into your crib and smacking you in front of your family and your boys and
you just stand there holding your face getting mad and not
retaliating. I don't know about the rest of the Hip Hop fans I can only
speak for myself but if Canibus, who I think is one of the last real MC's
in the Hip Hop game, doen't respond and put Chris on his ass then
I'll have no choice but to lose respect for him.

Now I have much respect for KRS and I'm pretty sure Canibus does as well, I
mean Chris is an Icon and he is a real Hip Hop activist. I bet if you cut
Chris he would bleed lyrics and skill, but icon or not
Canibus should respectfully dethrown KRS and make him retire his mic.
That's just my opinion on the situation take it as you wish.



Re: KRS v Canibus

4 sure, canibus is overrated (he's on some real self-inflicted  hypenitis)
and krs would take him out in a flash.  no problem with you on that point,
but i feel that krs himself is making all this noise just to prepare heads
for his upcoming album, which last i heard features canibus. and what
happened to the ll-canibus war? it came and went like lightning, after all
the hype on both sides, and i gotta tell you, even though i
was feeling ll's retort, i think he played himself by quitting the battle
before it was over. i mean, clef came in and tried to diss him, and ll
didn't even try to respond to that shitty diss? that to me is bull, even if
ll has other fish to fry, eg his acting career. i'm a cool j fan till i die
but after all the noise he made in I Shot Ya and 4, 3, 2, 1 about 'calling
every MC in the game/ to play yourself position and mention my name' he set
up the scene for a lot of guys to come battle with him if they dared, and
then turns round to say, ''sorry but i'm no longer into that shit'', and
fades? that's bull and everyone should know it. bottom line: don't start
shit you can't finish- don't front like you can take on all comers and then
say that you won't anymore cos you feel you've ''moved on''. at least krs,
for whatever reason is not afraid to live or die by his statements. i hope
canibus tries to step to the Teacher with all those overhyped metaphors,
gets killed; shit gimme his e-mail and i'll get 100 guys to call him out.

i'm out


though I agree with everything you have said about KRS1's work, it is
still truly dissapointing to see a hip-hop community member of his
stature and age in this mode of thinking. " KRS1 Will End Your Career"
. What is that really sying?  What does he have to prove? If he's trying
to save the culture by pruning the bull_hit out of it, then I'm behind
him.  If it's just some sort of gratuitous "ego-size" then again it's
KRS1 is innevitable. I don't like everything about him but where the
brother is strong the brother rules.  And yeah, he pretty well is
everything that he says he is.  But a little humility from him would go
a long way.  Certainly this KRS1 fan is going to diggin anything he
puts out for years to come.
Love him or hate him, KRS1's innevitable.

Brother J



Yo KRS-ONE could mos def take Canibus. If you dont belive me check that new
joint he
got called Temple Taticts which proves hes still got the battle mentality.
I know if
Canibus battled KRS there would be no contest cause once canibus ran out of
lyrics he's screwed cause he can't freestyle at ALL. I like canibus but as
far as
him being better than KRS please he needs to go battle another washed up
rapper like

Dave ,

I'm half way through this issue and I have to stop and write this
...........Why are we even mentioning Canibus ( better yet why is Kris ? ) 
the same breath as KRS ? Has he even put out ONE LP yet ? And as for Mr.
Robert White, if you wanta talk about Kris fallin off doing tracks wit 
Puffy ,
let's talk about Can-I-Bus riding the "Crossover Highway" with Clef' ( what
the HELL is that " I Honor You" ? )....



First of all, I got much love for Canibus...I was one of the few people
that got an autograph from him when I was at the Smokin Grooves Concert
in Montreal and I was so happy, but then again I also think KRS-1 is the
god of Hip-Hop...I just want to let you know that it would be the last
thing to battle KRS-1, becuase everyone knows what he already has done
for the Hip-Hop culture and what he still can do to battle MC's. I think
that he had every right to diss LL becuase he deserved it, but KRS-1
didn't do anything to Canibus...so Canibus wouldn't have anything to say
about KRS....I really think that if Canibus still wants to have a career
in the Hip-Hop game, he shouldn't battle such a high prophet of Rap.
    KRS-1, Rakim, they're all old-timers, and they know how the shit
works in HipHop, and those kinds of rappers would retaliate very quickly
when it comes to them being the victim!

~A big fan of Canibus and KRS-1

P.S. IF Canibus wants to battle, let him battle with lower prophets of
Hip-Hop rather than KRS-1!!!!!!

While I agree that KRS-One is a lyrical genius and have been listening and
following him ever since "By Any Means Necesarry", I think you are being a
little hard on Canibus. Don't get me wrong, you're probably right that
KRS-One would win in a one-on-one battle. But, basically you're calling
Canibus a heartless coward. You make one very clear point when you say
there is a lot of media hype behind Canibus. But, that is because of the
media. Correct me if I'm wrong, but has Canibus come out claimin' to be
better than the likes of KRS-One or Rakim? I haven't heard anything like
that. So, basically, what I'm sayin' is blame the media for the hype, don't
blaim the man being hyped. Over the years to come, I feel rappers like
Canibus, DMX, Xhibit, Jayo Felony, RazKass will prove themselves worry of
some of the respect as our old school rappers of yesteryear. Stay up & Stay
positive KingDave!


 Canibus is wack. He will never step into the ring and battle a true
     legend like KRS.  He only wanted to battle L.L. to try to promote
     himself but he doesn't want a real battle.  If his record company
     thinks he can clash with the titans then they should throw him into
     the lions den to never be heard from again<<<>>>


respect to krs-one and the boogie down.  your comments are on the money.  i
saw supernatural battle mad skillz at the nms in nyc around 95 or so.  he
kicked his ass, but it was mad skillz who eventually had more success
commercially.  one of the coolest things i've seen was supernatural and his
boy mohammed rhyming in washington square park on the daily.  they would
freestyle and finish eachother's rhymes - phat.  krs even did some
production for super when he was on east west.  canibus would get served by
ras j

irst of all, KRS-ONE's career ended a long time ago.  So, for you and him
to mention that he could end careers is very true.  The fact that he's
worth shit now, makes him want to battle the BattleKat Canibus.  If he
does, it would be like rejuvenating his dead rap career.  Don't get me
wrong, KRS-ONE was good back in the days, not now...he's washed up...He
reminds me of an old boxer trying to make a come back.  Maybe we should
start calling him Busta Douglas... seriously...listen to Canibuss' rhymes
and then listen again...to say that KRS- is going to end his career if they
battle is so stupid to say.  If Canibus battles KRS-one  I would lose
respect for Canibus because it would be too easy...And his career would
definitely end then......

You know what KRS reminds me of, I'm a young man and I play ball alot, KRS
reminds me of that old man who's always on the court talking shit and get
his ankles broken...but he's always calling travel (hype). But, at the end
I feel sorry for  them and just ignore 'em because I know they are just old
man looking for some type of recognition and respect from the young....
So, Canibus just ignore this old fool and make your money...He's not even
worth one verse....KRS is WACK.  He should step the fuck out of the way and
let the new generation take over...

-------------------I'm Still Taking Feedback on This
Hit me off at kingdave@sirius.com

Peace for now

 Davey D

The  largest and most comprehensive website for hip hop culture and
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