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Loop guitar "virtual album" online now

Hi LDers,

Earlier this year I recorded a selection of pieces for guitar and my
then newly-acquired Boomerang Phrase Sampler - my first steps into
looping "proper". After considering producing a cassette from them, I
decided instead to create a "virtual album" of them using RealAudio.
The result is now online at my looping & prog rock guitar site, "The
Hall Of The Endless Knot", at


The album, "Through The Arch Window", is presented in its entirety,
exactly as it would appear on cassette, should it be issued in that
format. All the pieces were recorded live to tape with no overdubs and
very minor editing (mainly fades), and can be played as streaming live
audio as well as downloaded files. The RealAudio tracks (nearly sixty
minutes in total) were encoded at 20.1Kbps, so should stream over a
28.8k modem with few problems.

Please feel free to drop by and take a listen - I would particularly
welcome comments and suggestions from members of this list, and even
criticism (so long as it's constructive!). Please bear in mind these
tracks represent my first real steps into looping, and besides, you're
getting all this for free :-)

Thanks for reading, and see you at the Hall...

Best wishes,

*******************Tim Walker - Staines, UK*******************
  tawalker@dircon.co.uk - www.users.dircon.co.uk/~tawalker/
The Hall of the Endless Knot - looping, prog-rock guitar, etc.