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Little Black Box Composers (was: Suggestions, advice, help!)

From:   John Price [SMTP:jprice@intcpi.com]
>Sent:  Friday, August 14, 1998 9:56 AM
>I think Brian Eno was dead on the shape of the immediate future when 
>a few years ago ... ( Methinks it was Wired Magazine ) he mentioned his
>concept of a having a little black box that would generate his musical 
>on its own with no input whatsoever coming from him.


Interesting that you mention this, John...Coincidentally, last night I was 
reading an online news article about David Cope, U of California at Santa 
professor of music theory, who created a computer program called "EMI".  
analyzes an individual's compositional style, then creates new pieces 
that data. Good reading all the way to the end.
