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Re: Boomerang/EDP different layout

>I respectfully point out that this represents "guitar-centric" thinking.  
>As a
>percussionist, I would find a floor based EDP to be extremely
>inconvenient.  I don't have
>a single "workstation" performance area where I can cluster stomp boxes.
>A highly
>attractive feature of the EDP, to me, is a centralized rack-mount unit
>with distributed
>footswitches.  Any keyboardists out there?
>- Dennis Leas
Yeah Dennis, I'm a keybordist, and I agree.  I'm still working on a way to
use ANY footswitches with a Hammond.  Lets see:  With one foot I'll ride
the volume, with the other I'll toggel the Leslie, with my other two feet,
I'll play the pedals, and with my fifth foot, I'll. . . Or maybe not .-}
