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RE: Echoplex memory

My Echoplex is now back at Oberheim being checked out for the same reasons.
I haven't heard back from them what the problem was.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Marc Roche [mailto:govinda@cyber-dyne.com]
>>Sent: Saturday, August 08, 1998 10:16 PM
>>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>>Subject: Re: Echoplex memory
>>Hi all,
>>I just sent my new (7/1) EDP back to Oberheim yesterday.  Tried
>>two different
>>batches of simms from two different retailers and neither of them
>>worked (the
>>unit worked fine with the supplied 50secs of memory).  Could I
>>have been so
>>unlucky as to get bad simms twice?  Hope to be getting an answer soon.
>>Kim Flint wrote:
>>> It works with parity or non-parity simms, and it doesn't matter
>>if you mix
>>> them or max the memory or whatever. (the parity bit is
>>ignored.) That's in
>>> the echoplex FAQ on the LD website. The problems a few people
>>had seemed to
>>> be from some bad batch of simms, and nobody has reported
>>anything like it
>>> since. In general it's always worked fine with any type simm
>>out there, and
>>> there isn't any known problem with fully loaded memory. I've heard that
>>> reported a couple times and it always turned out to be
>>something else. (like
>>> a bad simm...)
>>> kim