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Getting People to gigs. ..and WHAT gigs..?

> From: Rev. Doubt-Goat <dgoat@rocketmail.com>
> Subject: Yuppies and Loops, was Re: Looping show tonight, Friday in
Portland, OR

> Into this little world set down 2 musicians with
> piles of electronic gear full of little blinking
> lights, strange 10-string insturments, wild.....

> The result? Instant coffee house clearing!

i've been there too !!!

> The questions I have are:
> 1. Is it possible to play in a non-club setting
> with a mixture of ambient, illbient and pop and
> have an audience that will understand?

My duo JFK's LSD UFO has had success doing shows at "new age" bookstores
and we've also provided the music for an avant garde dance/painting
mutimedia thing - it's funny - at that one the power went out - rendering
my tons of electronic crap useless - but my partner continued to drum away
gently, - the audience thought it was all part of the show and didn't
really notice!!!

I recommend reaching out to any art galleries in your area, too, we're
gonna do an art opening this summer sometime - also look for weird dance
companies or other artists who may want to collaborate and have your sound
sculptures set the mood..
> 2. Does the music listening public really only
> want to hear remakes of what they are used to? 

Pretty much so.

Someone else spoke of advertizing to the 'right people' or wordz to that
effect - even this is tough. we sent out a mailing list, we've even
massively flyered for a show after a local crimson gig about 2 yrs back,
with feeble or no response. It's tough, people into challenging musaic like
we all do - roughly tend to be in that demographic where they don't really
go out that much!! and so the show times are another issue. Also - a lot of
them have kids - so we need to develop all-ages, open events. We're gonna
play the Trenton Avant Garde festival this september - any Jersey/Philly
people - get in touch with me if interested - i can tell you where to
submit a tape - it's mostly experimental music, but lots of electronics,
loops, some poetry too. Perhaps you can look for stuff like this in your
state.. call state parks and get an idea when festivals are gonna be, and
if they have or would like to have music. Do it for cheap, sell tapes/CDs
and get people exposed to this "new" form of music.

I try to stay psyched - we playe last sunday nite - on a bill with Bon
Lozaga - guitarist/looper from BON, GONG, GONGZILLA, CARYN LIN's band and
various other stuff on his LOLO label. You can hear his stuff at
http://www.artist-shop.com.. very cool

In any event, you'd think this gig had all the right elements:

- early start on a sunday night - 8:15pm
- cheap - $5.00
- 18 and over admission
- we did a sizable mailing list to prog heads/loop heads/ zappa freaks
- huge e-mailing
- local radio spots on an alternative radio station
- local spots on a public/jazz station that plays tons of Bon's 'fusion'
- dozens of flyers handed out

But - yet - we played to a tiny crowd !!! 20-30 people including sound man,
bar owner, bartender, the other 2 bands, etc. Bummer. What does it take to
get people out??? - We all had a  good time, though, and the bar owner
plaedged his upport for "stuff on the edge like this" and will do it again.

But i too, would like hints on how we can all get our unique music heard.
Are we all tripping ?? Is this self-indulgent crap in a world that wants
songs??? I play those too in another project, and i DEFINITELY see the
difference when we 'sneak in' a weird little jam.

Ah, questions, questions.

again - in summary - howza bout:

- look out for bookstores, esp. those conducive to meditative, loopy stuff
(i know - that's not all you do, but it's a foot in the door)

- find public ways of showing people what you do

- look for cool opening gigs, perhaps a 30 min set opening for a captive
audience is better than having a whole nite  -playing to 7 people..??!

- get your stuff to a local college or public radio station, esp. one with
a trippy radio show

- forget everything i've said and try something that works!!!!

Peace, and Loop away,

Andre' east