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Re: Electro Harmonix Problem

>I am a guitar player and I'm trying to use an Electro Harmonix 16 sec 
>in conjunction with a Digitech GSP 2101 effects processor/preamp. I want 
>take the signal out of the 2101's effect loop and return it to the input 
>the effect loop. The problem is the effect return wants to see a +4db
>signal level, and I'm guessing the Electro is sending -10db. The returned
>signal is far too quiet.
>I have asked the question on the 2101 list, but have not found a solution.
>I noticed in the FAQ for the Oberheim echoplex on the looper's delight web
>page there is a description of a mod which alows the same sort of thing 
>this unit. It involves replacing some resistors.

Put a clean preamp, such as the DOD BiFET pedal after the EH and before 
the return.

Travis Hartnett