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RE: time machines/electro harmonix!

At 11:14 AM 1/29/98 -0600, you wrote:
>I second the request for  an EH 16-second delay manual. There's a guy
>who sells copies for $1.50 a page, but that seems a little high . . .

LITTLE HIGH???????--that kind of nosebleed drug pusher mentality is what
gives used equipment dealers the same street cred as kiddie pornographers
and career politicians

>P.S. I've heard that EH is going to reissue the 16-second, but when?
>Does anybody have any info on this?

sorry for those who have already heard this litany but the last word I got
from EH/Sovtek was that both the Micro Synth and 16 sec delay would come 
in '98 in that order

funny, I was just talking to a gear junkie in WI who I bought my Vortex
from--the Micro Synth was the most expensive pedal he ever bought at about
$350 (even more than the PDS 8000 (pedal version of the RDS) that we were
unknowingly engaged in a bidding war over on Rogue Music's auction site . .
.speaking of vintage crack dealers . . . 

dronedornedronedroendronronronednednednednednedned on~~~~~~Tom

Tom Lambrecht  hideo@concentric.net