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Re: delurking (was: belated LD bday)

At 02:56 PM 10/2/97 +0100, you wrote:
>>quick question about the DOD fx 94 pedal--I'm thinking of getting one, 
>but I
>>think DOD has a reputation amongst guitarists as less than great--how do 
>>think this piece stands up against say some of the Digitech PDS and RDS
>>effects that I see posts about.
>Is this the EchoSonic?  I read that DOD are planning a new 8sec pedal.  
>word "Mayhem" was used.  Could be interesting.

This one is just called the fx 94--up to 4seconds of delay in three ranges
with the kicker of course being infinite loop, trigger and sample settings 

I tried one out yesterday and liked it for the most part except for a whine
thatt changed in pitch as you adjust the "delay" setting (maybe a bad
unit?)--it's faint, but annoying during quiet passages and I'd like to use
this with a Pignose or my small Gibson tube amp without any other gates 
on it

Looking back at my notes Ed Chang mentioned this unit--any feedback about
how it stacks up to the others you've used? Any comments on the old Roland
SDE 1000? I saw a used one.

The rumored 8 second pedal (according to DOD--I called) will be just like
the 94, cept with eight secconds WHEN and IF they du it. They apparebtly
exhibited an empty box prototype of it at a show.

Thanks again,

drone on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tom

57 deg F, beautiful,clear here in St. Louis
Tom Lambrecht  hideo@concentric.net