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Looper's Delight!
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Looper's Delight
Compilation CD Projects

Subscribers to the Looper's Delight Mailing List have produced several excellent CD compilations over the years. These CDs represent the remarkable diversity of music where looping is found, and show off many of the tremendously talented individuals who make up the Looper's Delight community.

Listen to your fellow loopers, get inspired, learn some new looping techniques, but above all enjoy some truly good music!

Proceeds from sales of these CDs have been generously contributed by the artists to help support the costs of running Looper's Delight. We are eternally grateful. Please support your fellow musicians, and support LD. But one of these today!

Looper's Delight CD Vol 3 - Just Released!

Vol. 3 Information page

Created and Released 2005.

Organized by Sunao Inami.

Looper's Delight CD Vol 2 (double CD)

Vol. 2 Information page

Listen to Vol. 2 Online (thanks to Sunao Inami)

Created and Released 1998.

Organized by Matthew McCabe.

Looper's Delight CD Vol 1

Vol. 1 Information page

Created from 1996 to 1997.
Released 1998.

Organized by Ray Peck and David Talento (Help Wanted Productions)

Also, check out the Chain Tape Collective. This group was formed on the Looper's Delight mailing list and has produced a tremendous body of work. Great Looping and great music can be found there!

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Copyright 1996-present by loopers-delight.com
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Any purchase you make through these links gives Looper's Delight a commission to keep us going. If you are buying it anyway, why not let some of your cash go to your favorite web site? Thanks!!