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Gibson Echoplexes


I've been an off and on member of the list for about six years.

I'd like to get a pair of Gibson EDPs with Loop IV 198secs.

There is a pair on eBay now, but the seller won't ship to Japan--where I 

I have an older Oberheim, but I'd love to replace it with a pair of The 
newer ones.

Is the seller 'bostonjazzgtr' a member here or a friend of a member? Or 
does someone here have one or two EDPs for sale?


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 15, 2012, at 6:06 AM, Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Ed Durbrow <edurbrow@sea.plala.or.jp> 
> wrote:
>> Seriously?! Wow! I won't be able to try this out in Logic until I get 
>> back
>> to Japan (since I only have access to a lowly G3 iBook here in 
>> America), but
>> can you tell me more? Where do you set the tuning temperament?
> Hi Ed,
> It is at:
> "Settings / Tuning"
>> And, most
>> importantly, is it possible to change the reference pitch somewhere in 
>> the
>> sequence?
> No. I wish that was possible too! For now the only way to combine
> different fixed tunings in separate parts of the same piece is to mix
> down the parts (of unique tunings) to audio and glue those audio files
> together before mastering the piece.
>> What I would like to do is use some kind of mean tone temperament
>> for certain parts of a composition, but either go back to equal 
>> temperament
>> or change the reference pitch of the mean tone on the fly it the piece
>> modulates.
> I sometimes use Hermode Tuning (HMT) and once got very good results
> with a piano piece. Hermode Tuning is kind of semi intelligent in
> Logic, meaning you first have to chose it for your song project and
> then play through the full piece to let Logic perform an analyze.
> After doing that some notes in the scale are subtly re-tuned depending
> on what other instruments play at that particular point. In the real
> world this tuning is common in choir music and string quartets (e.g.
> where tunings are not physically locked as with piano and guitar).
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.perboysen.com
> http://www.youtube.com/perboysen