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RE: Roland gr55

Why would one want a guitar synth and not an MIDI interface to any of the many great synths out there... I can see anuy knobs on the gr55 that allows for fun realtime manipulations of LFO's, filters and other fun stuff.. 

Or am I missing something..

From: billwalker@baymoon.com
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Roland gr55
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:31:37 -0700

Also Sprach Mark

Quite interesting read Hans, actually most are a little disappointed with the sounds. Im not too bothered by that tho, cos Ive never had a synth that did have good presets. My trusty GR30 took years to get to what I have now 10 usable patches. And back to arps... What is with that? On the Gr 30 there was this amazing Arpegiator, that is a staple for me, I use it everyday, and Ive still yet to try the Walker repeater trick (due to needing 2 midi merge boxes to do it).

 I couldn't agree more though I haven't used mine in sometime, the gr30's arpeggiator and what it could do to drive my repeater was totally responsible for some of the things I was doing 7 years ago. All the impossible to play arpeggio stuff was using the gr as an arp trigger for the repeater, to make single note samples behave polyphonically with a wild natural portamento between notes, however limited  the sound engine was the arpeggiator did and still does kick ass, simple to program easy to use. Re GR55,  I will investigate further but I believe you are right, any arpeggiation is patch specific and non programmable. Haven't had much time on one personally, they have trickled in and sold quickly.