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A delay function... but not looping:
I've long been attracted to the smooth, dimensional <smeared> space around longer delays in the 500 to 600ms range. I just don't want any of the repeats mixed in. Yes, some analog delays can go quite dark (the dark bit being generally a benefit if there's still a happy medium with the tone.) Yes, you can use a volume pedal and swell your chords, single notes and arpeggios in... thereby effectively ducking the repeats in that way. I'm seeking any thoughts/ perspective wondering if anyone knows of a delay with a filter that's extremely effective in creating majorly warm, smooth ambience w/o repeats. This would be akin to a 'dark hall' reverb as I use it from a Lexicon LXP-1. But the objective is to arrive at a more ethereal 'in the air' depth of field thing than reverb. ---> A 'less is more' subtlety here in the mix. Barely perceptible LFO modulation on this is cool too. Running to two amps... that's going on. I don't seek a delay to do other things than get me close to this realm. -But apparently that's asking a lot. Tanks heaps.