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Re: OT: slow HD+Logic (was: upgrading my MacBook)

On Nov 20, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Warren Sirota wrote:

> supposedly, defragging a mac disk is unnecessary. not sure if  
> that's true, but that's what i heard.

OSX will automatically optimize the drive but you have to leave it in  
sleep mode because the operation is set for late night off-hours. The  
maintenance I think is defaulted to monthly but can be changed to  
weekly or even daily with a "sudo prompt" in Terminal. Check the  
Apple forums.

I have not used Logic but folks I have talked to generally have used  
an external drive for the Logic database so as not to fill up the  
main drive. Or they use an external drive for the scratch disk.
If Logic is anything like some of the DAW software I've used, I would  
think you would need at least 10GB of disk scratch space free and  
clear -- for holding undo versions, clipboard copies, etc. --  or  
things will slow down. (especially for 24bit -- perhaps there is some  
tweaking that needs to be done for that?)

Also, in terms of closing unnecessary programs, there are some 3rd  
party apps that will let you turn off Dashboard.
And you probably want to turn off energy saving modes.



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