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Re: RME Firewire 800 and Guitar Amp Sim

Got it all planned out based on the discussions at Bidule :)

I saw your post, and I'm hopeful that it's just a dual G5 issue.  They seem to have tested on a core duo intel machine, and I haven't seen anyone else report that problem.  Fingers crossed.

Regardless, the extra GHZ, plus the fact that the OS will use both CPUs to offload core tasks, should give me the bump I need for right now.  Then if/when Bidule MP support works well, I'll see how much farther I can go.


On 8/28/07, Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
On 28 aug 2007, at 04.13, Doug Cox wrote:

> Downloaded the trial version of Amplitube Jimi Hendrix, and it
> sounds GREAT.  Better by a longshot than any other guitar amp VST
> I've tried so far.  But as I feared, it's pretty heavy on the CPU.
> In my core Bidule setup, it gives me a 23-25% increase in CPU usage
> on my (admittedly slow) 1.5GHZ 2MB single-cpu laptop.  That puts me
> into crackleland :(
> I'll be very interested in seeing if I can squeeze it in when my
> new lappy arrives (dual core 2.0ghz w/ 4MB).  This alone is reason
> enough to try out Bidule's multi CPU support, too.

Don't hold your breath, the multi core support just came with the
latest beta of Bidule. I decided to try it out and loaded up a
session on my Apple G5, which at the moment is the only pc I have
around that uses dual processors. My finding was that activating "MP
Assign" for modules induced crackling noise in the input audio. I
tried every combination of MP assignment among VST's and other
modules but could not find a setting with a clean input. I reported
it to the developers. This was a dual G5 and you may get different
results on multi core machines and dual core intels.

If you intend to try MP Assignment it's a good idea to read up at the
Bidule forum on how it works, so you can better chose which modules
to MP assign and which to not.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)