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Re: Programming the Behringer FCB1010 for Echoplex use, a quick guide

Nevermind--I just needed to recalibrate the expression pedals.  One
should be aware however that the Volume control will only control the
relative volume level of the loop and that the Mix knob on the front
panel is an analog control, so if your mix is set to all direct, then
you won't hear any of the loop regardless of the Volume setting on the
expression pedal.

So, the current quick guide to programming the Behringer for use with
the EDP currently looks like this:

Programming the patch buttons to send MIDI notes:

1. Turn on the Behringer FCB1010 and the Echoplex.  Connect the MIDI
out jack to the MIDI In jack on the Echoplex.  Make sure the EDP MIDI
Control Source parameter is set to "not" (for "note") and that both
devices are set to the same MIDI channel.

2. Select the bank and patch you wish to edit with the UP and DOWN buttons.

3. Enter Edit mode by pressing the DOWN button for 3 seconds, or until
the two-digit bank indicator goes off and the first green LED under
Preset Configuration starts blinking.

4. Press the UP/Enter button.

5. Some the program button LEDs may now be lit, depending on what's
already been stored in the patch either at the factory or by you or
whoever you bought the FCB from.  You want to clear all that out so
that you're not sending a bunch of unwanted MIDI data.  Often, the 1,
8 and 9 buttons will be "on" in a factory preset.  You want to turn
those off, so hold down each button until the LED turns off.  This
takes about two seconds.

6. Once all the program button LEDs are off, hold down the 0 button
until its LED comes on.  This indicates that you're going to be
editing the MIDI note which is going to be sent by this patch.

7. Press the 0 button again.  Its LED should now be blinking.

8. Press the UP/Enter button.  The Select LED should turn off, the
Number LED should turn on and the two-digit display should now be on
and displaying "00" with the second "0" flashing.

9. Now you can enter the MIDI note number that you want transmitted. 
For example, the Record function is triggered by a note number of 38. 
Use the program buttons (the 0-9 buttons) to enter the note value.

10. When you've got the desired note value showing on the three-digit
display, press the UP/Enter button.  The three-digit display will turn
off, the 0 button LED will go to steady on, the Number LED will go
off, and the Select LED will go steady on.

11.  If you're finished editing that patch, hold down the DOWN button
for three seconds or until three-digit display comes back on
displaying the current bank.  At that point, you're in the "ready to
use" mode, and if you press the patch button you've just edited you
should see the EDP respond in the desired manner.

The note values for the EFC-7 button equivalents are as follows:

38      RecordButton    
39      OverdubButton   
40      MultiplyButton          
41      InsertButton    
42      MuteButton      
43      UndoButton      
44      NextButton      

For a more complete list of all the available MIDI commands, refer to
the manual or the spreadsheet here: 

Programming an expression pedal to control loop Volume

 1.. Press the PRESET button (e.g., whatever you use to trigger Record on
your EDP)  for which you want to program either expression pedal A or B for
 2.. Press and hold down the DOWN switch
 3.. Press the UP switch
 4.. Press button 8 or 9 (Expression Pedal A or B), whatever you want to
use to control volume
 5.. Press UP to confirm
 6.. Use Expression Pedal A to set your controller value for that
expression pedal (use what is set in the EDP control panel in VolumeCont)
 7.. Press UP to confirm
 8.. Use Express Pedal A to set the minimum value (e.g. 0)
 9.. Press UP to confirm
 10.. Use Expression Pedal A to set the maximum volume value (e.g., 127)
 11.. Press UP to confirm
 12.. Press and hold the Down button to Exit
Repeat steps 1-12 for other PRESET buttons (whatever you use for Overdub,
Multiply, Reverse, etc.whatever button you want associated with that volume
change function when that button is lit up

Programming an expression pedal to control loop Feedback

1.       Press the PRESET button (e.g., whatever button you use to trigger
Record on your EDP)  for which you want to program either expression pedal 
or B for feedback

2.       Press and hold down the DOWN switch

3.       Press the UP switch

4.       Press button 8 or 9 (Expression Pedal A or B), whatever you want 
use to control feedback

5.       Press UP to confirm

6.       Use Expression Pedal A to set your controller value (use what is
set in the EDP control panel in FeedBkCont)

7.       Press UP to confirm

8.       Use Express Pedal A to set the minimum value (e.g. I use 106 to 
a gradual fade-out of my loops when I pull the expression pedal all the way

9.       Press UP to confirm

10.   Use Expression Pedal A to set the maximum volume value (e.g., 127)

11.   Press UP to confirm

12.   Press and hold the Down button to Exit

Repeat steps 1-12 for other PRESET buttons (those you use for Overdub,
Multiply, Reverse, etc.whatever button you want associated with that
feedback change function when that button is lit up

Calibrating the expression pedals:

Many units ship with the exprssion pedals not correctly calibrated.
This requires that you perform a manual calibration before the pedals
will work correctly. The following procedure was provided by
        1.      Keep footswitches 1 and 3 pressed while switching on the 
(This bit you can't do standing up!). Release the switches when the
display blanks. The LEDs on the footswitches, the ones on the display
and each segment of the two numeric displays will turn on and off in
        2.      Wait until all footswitch LEDs are on. Depress all 
one at a time, including UP and DOWN, until all LEDs are off.
        3.      Wait until relay switch test is finished. (There will be a 
of mechanical clicks, and the display will end up reading "F1" (at
least, it did on mine)). [Also, if you have connected a MIDI cable
between the MIDI in and out, the display will show "A1" before this,
meaning the midi ports work correctly.]
        4.      Press DOWN once.
        5.      Adjust the left expression pedal (A) to the lowest value 
down). Once adjusted press UP.
        6.      Adjust the left expression pedal (A) to the highest value 
down). Once adjusted press UP.
        7.      Adjust the right expression pedal (B) to the lowest value 
down). Once adjusted press UP.
        8.      Adjust the right expression pedal (B) to the highest value 
down). Once adjusted press UP.
        9.      Select a patch which has both pedals set to their full 
range, and
check the expression pedals now send 0-127 (0x00-0x7F)

On 10/30/05, Travis Hartnett <travishartnett@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nope that didn't work for me.  The Expression Pedal A and B lights
> come on when I go to that patch, but the pedal settings themselves
> have no effect on the EDP.
> TravisH
> On 10/30/05, Kris Hartung <khartung@cableone.net> wrote:
> > This is what I used...you might want to test my steps. I just 
> > mine for both Volume and Feedback control.
> >
> > Kris
> >
> > Volume
> >
> >   1.. Press the PRESET button (e.g., whatever you use to trigger 
>Record on
> > your EDP)  for which you want to program either expression pedal A or 
>B for
> > volume
> >   2.. Press and hold down the DOWN switch
> >   3.. Press the UP switch
> >   4.. Press button 8 or 9 (Expression Pedal A or B), whatever you want 
> > use to control volume
> >   5.. Press UP to confirm
> >   6.. Use Expression Pedal A to set your controller value for that
> > expression pedal (use what is set in the EDP control panel in 
> >   7.. Press UP to confirm
> >   8.. Use Express Pedal A to set the minimum value (e.g. 0)
> >   9.. Press UP to confirm
> >   10.. Use Expression Pedal A to set the maximum volume value (e.g., 
> >   11.. Press UP to confirm
> >   12.. Press and hold the Down button to Exit
> > Repeat steps 1-12 for other PRESET buttons (whatever you use for 
> > Multiply, Reverse, etc.whatever button you want associated with that 
> > change function when that button is lit up
> >
> >  Feedback
> >
> > 1.       Press the PRESET button (e.g., whatever button you use to 
> > Record on your EDP)  for which you want to program either expression 
>pedal A
> > or B for feedback
> >
> > 2.       Press and hold down the DOWN switch
> >
> > 3.       Press the UP switch
> >
> > 4.       Press button 8 or 9 (Expression Pedal A or B), whatever you 
>want to
> > use to control feedback
> >
> > 5.       Press UP to confirm
> >
> > 6.       Use Expression Pedal A to set your controller value (use what 
> > set in the EDP control panel in FeedBkCont)
> >
> > 7.       Press UP to confirm
> >
> > 8.       Use Express Pedal A to set the minimum value (e.g. I use 106 
>to set
> > a gradual fade-out of my loops when I pull the expression pedal all 
>the way
> > back)
> >
> > 9.       Press UP to confirm
> >
> > 10.   Use Expression Pedal A to set the maximum volume value (e.g., 
> >
> > 11.   Press UP to confirm
> >
> > 12.   Press and hold the Down button to Exit
> >
> > Repeat steps 1-12 for other PRESET buttons (those you use for Overdub,
> > Multiply, Reverse, etc.whatever button you want associated with that
> > feedback change function when that button is lit up
> >
> >
> >