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Re: Unorthodox loopgig venues ( WAS: Loops curative/restful powers )

Oh, I wasn't GETTING the massages, just providing the

Talked (& liveloop-demoed) with a metalsmith this
morning about doing the same sort of thing for a
jewelry-making workshop. I improvised two pieces for
her, one a sustainy-volume swell thing with
cello-bowed guitar, the other a sort of Steve
Reich-ish-sounding loop. She thought either of them
would sound great in her studio during the hands-on,
non-lecture parts of a workshop.

I guess while we as loopers don't always slot into the
normal bar gig scene too well, we ARE able to find
venues and contexts that yer average rock band

Does anyone have any anecdotes to share about
unusual/exotic/interesting gigs they've gotten as a
result of NOT appealing to the mainstream?


--- ".David.Auker." <DaVAuk@Hevanet.com> wrote:

> What do you do when they massage your fingers?  (Oh,
> this IS looping...)
> :-)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tim Nelson" <psychle62@yahoo.com>
> To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Loops curative/restful powers 
> > I've done live looping to accompany massage
> therapy;
> > what worked well were the areas the two have in
> > common, which was an emphasis on the
> soothing/relaxing
> > qualities, as well as a repetitive pulse.

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