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RE: looking for a Warr

Elephant Talk would probably have a bigger concentration of Warr

:::-----Original Message-----
:::From: Greg House [mailto:ghunicycle@yahoo.com]
:::Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 2:17 PM
:::To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
:::Subject: Re: looking for a Warr
:::--- Jeff Shirkey <jcshirke@midway.uchicago.edu> wrote:
:::> >this bass player with poor English is searching for someone who is
:::> >selling a 12 string Warr Guitar ,
:::> I suppose what people are wondering is why you joined a looper's
:::> mailing list to post a want ad for a bass guitar.
:::Actually, this isn't such an odd spot to look for an unusual
:::many of the people on this list play them. In fact, I don't know of
:::another list
:::with a greater concentration of Warr/Stick players. (Sure, there's
:::Stickwire, but
:::I never see anything on there from the non-Chapman contingency).
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