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Re: EDP MIDI problem with volume CC

At 04:37 AM 2/19/2003, Petr Samojsky wrote:
> > How do you have the midi parameters set on the Echoplex?
>*** It is set to receive controllers, not notes, and so is the MFC 10.  It
>does not have any influence what number for CC I use.  Othewise, the EDP
>communicates with MFC 10 on channel 2, and if if I switch it to another
>channel it does not change  anything either.
>I found that if I change the midi routing it fixes the problem.  When it
>goes MFC 10 ---> Digitech Quad (midi channel 1) ---> EDP it makes the 
>mess I
>described.  When I go to EDP first and then to Digitech Quad it is okay.  
>this point it is fine to use the second routing, but it would be very
>helpful for me to understand what's the root of the problem.  I assume 
>the Digitech, but why?  There is the "sysex merge" function in it and I 
>to have it on in order to get the midi signal go through.  Is this the

sounds like a problem with the digitech unit. For some reason it sends 
wrong commands on the midi channel with the echoplex. I don't know 
about the digitech box, so I can't help you with that. If it has a 
MIDI-thru port you could use that instead of its midi out port. Or maybe 
has some other midi parameter that affects this.

you still didn't list all your midi parameters for the echoplex, like 
source#, VolumeCont, FeedBkCont. Since you are using cc messages for 
commands, maybe you have the feedback control sharing a number with 
something else. that wouldn't really explain the problems you are seeing 
from the digitech unit though.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com