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RE: PLEASE QUIT deluging us with OT posts!!!!!

At 03:11 PM 1/26/2003, Clayton Gary Lehmann wrote:
>But seriously, the best thing anyone who uses this list could do is buy an
>Echoplex with Loop IV.  Kim is one of the partners in Aurisis, the company
>that designed the interface/developed the software, so that's the #1 way 
>contribute--you'll have lots of on topic questions!

well, that is nice too, but as Matthias said Looper's Delight is a 
completely independent entity from Aurisis or the Echoplex or any other 
company. Money earned there doesn't go to LD. Looper's Delight needs to 
stand on it's own feet. The money it gets to operate is what is directly 
made from the site from ads and affiliate programs, t-shirt and cd sales, 
and donations. Usually those things are not enough and I pay the remainder.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com