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Re: question...

<P>Samuel D. Burns

<BR>Goddess wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>&nbsp; This question has been a curiousity of mine
for a while now, and as the
<BR>conversation here lately has been concerned with people's feelings
<BR>Robert Fripp which seem to be mostly negative, I thought this would
be a
<BR>good place to ask it.

<P>&nbsp; What is it concerning him that seems to upset people so?

<P>&nbsp; I mean this question quite sincerely as I've noticed this 
<BR>quite a lot in interviews, articles, etc.&nbsp; I'm asking this because
I don't
<BR>understand it and I'd genuinely like to know what's going on.&nbsp;
<BR>experiences with him have been warm, friendly and pleasant and I'm
<BR>sure why he seems to come off to some people in such a negative 
<BR>should probably add that this question is strictly my curiousity as
<BR>musician,it doesn't come from being a "Fripp-fan", liking his music
<BR>some such thing.&nbsp; I've got no special affinity for Robert over
anyone else
<BR>in my life and am not trying to "support" him.&nbsp; I'm a musician,
and I do
<BR>what I do.&nbsp; Other musicians do what they do and that's that.&nbsp;
So, to
<BR>anyone who'd care to anser this question honestly, I'd be extremely
<BR>appreciative.&nbsp; Anyway, let's all have some fun and play a lot
of cool

<P>Sincerely, smiles and Thanks,

